How to Repair Nail or Screw Pops From Drywall
Nail or screw pops on drywall can be a common problem in homes with walls that have been painted more than once. The paint buildup on the backside of the drywall causes it to stick up and out, which is what we commonly refer to as a nail or screw pop. Although this issue may seem small, it can be unsightly and difficult to repair without causing more damage. Here are some repair tips from a professional drywall repair specialist on how to repair nail or screw pops from drywall:
Patch From the Inside
To patch the popped nail or screw from the inside, you’ll need to remove it first. Use a screwdriver to pry the head of your popped nail or screw out of its hole. Then use a hammer to tap in your replacement nail or screw. If there’s any excess drywall left over after placing your new nail or screw, use a utility knife to cut off any excess material before painting over it with spackle later on!
Attach a Replacement Board
If you have a nail or screw popping out of your drywall, the best way to fix it is to attach a replacement board over it. To do this, first, use a hammer to tap the board into place. Then use a level to make sure that it’s straight and even with both sides of the wall. If necessary, adjust by driving screws into other boards until you get them all aligned properly.
Fill the Holes With Joint Compound or Spackle
If the hole is small, you can fill it with a toothpick. To repair larger holes, use joint compound or spackle. Allow it to dry completely before priming and painting over the repair area.
If you need repairs for your drywall here in Charlotte, NC, you may contact A and Z Drywall LLC and hire a professional drywall repair specialist for exceptional repair services. Call us at (800) 450-8016 today!